Nursery Class with Teacher Heather
Week #5:
Practice Your Fine Motor Skills Using Household Items.
Here are some fun craft ideas that go along with our rainbow and ocean themes this week.

Rainbow Worksheets:
Ocean Worksheets:
Here are some fun videos and songs about rainbows and the ocean .
Take a virtual field trip to the Monterey Bay Aquarium.
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Week #4:
Here are some fun craft ideas that go along with our Spring and Earth Day themes this week.

Here are some fun Spring Time and EarthDay worksheets... Bring along your Nature Walk Checklist on your next walk around the neighborhood.
Here are some fun videos and songs about Spring time and Earth Day.
Take a virtual field trip to the Monterey Bay Aquarium.
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Week #3:
Please click on the buttons below. The first set of worksheets are a review of our shapes along with fun activities for your child to count, color, and draw their own shapes.
The second set are animal worksheets to help your child with animal recognition, identifying things that are the same, and counting (there is some letter tracing on all the worksheets... this could be a fun way to start working on handwriting and fine motor skills).
Here are some fun videos and songs to help with animal exploration.
If you have Disney+
There is a great DisneyNature series with celebrities narrating the stories of Chimpanzees, Elephants, Bears, Penguins, etc. My son has been really into these since we have been home. Entertaining and educational :)
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Week #2:
Please click on the worksheets below to continue our shapes books. There is also a Feelings Cards PDF that will help your children identify emotions and how they are feeling.
Here is a fun art activity to help your child with shape identification, sorting, and colors.
Here are some fun songs and dances that will help your child remember the different characteristics of each shape we've learned about.
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Week #1:
Please click on these worksheet pages to continue our book of shapes. You can color in the shape and then answer the questions that go along with each page.
Here is a fun video to help your child identify their shapes and colors.
Here is a fun song to reinforce shape recognition and counting.